ATEX 137 Explosion Protection Documentation
MOL NyRT, Logistic
Komárom Terminal
Szajol Terminal
Székesfehérvár Terminal
Pécs Terminal
MOL NyRTIn Danube Refinery
Reference list for Safety Area Application
HIMA Safety System in Chemical, Petrochemical, Refinery and Power industry from 1993
- TVK, Tiszaújváros, Ethylene I plant phase 1., 1.530 channel
- TVK, Tiszaújváros, Ethylene I plant phase 2. 1.780 channel
- TVK, Tiszaújváros, Ethylene II plant, 2.010 channel
- MOL RT, TIFO, Combine plant, 420 channel
- MOL RT, DUFI, Hydrogen-I plant, 560 channel
- MOL RT, DUFI, Hydrogen-II plant, 490 channel
- MOL RT, DUFI, GOK-3, 1.960 channel
- MESSER Magyarország, TVK, Gas plant, 210 channel
- MESSER Magyarország, HUNTSMAN, H2 plant, 196 channel
- HUNTSMAN RT, JetCAT plant, 132 channel
- HUNTSMAN RT, AVR plant, 168 channel
- Kelenföldi Erőmű, Budapest, Boiler plant, 140 channel
- Debreceni Hőerőmű, Debrecen, Boiler plant, 210 channel
- LINDE Magyarország, BORSODCHEM, Gas plant, 140 channel
- Csepeli Erőmű, Budapest, Boiler plant, 170 channel
- Kelenföldi Erőmű, Boiler plant, 115 channel
- MESSER, Répcelak, Gas separation plant, 198 channel
In total more then 10.000 Safety IO was installed and commissioned by BARENG.
HAZOP study, SIL evaluation
- MOL NyRT, Logistic, 1500 km Pipe network: HAZOP Study and SIL classification
- MOL NyRT, Danube Refinery, 48 Refinery Plant: HAZOP Study and SIL classification
- MOL NyRT, Danube Refinery 39 Fire Furnace: HAZOP Study and SIL classification
- MOL NyRT, Tisza Refinery, 4 Refinery Plant: HAZOP Study and SIL classification, Pre-validation
- MOL NyRT, Zala Refinery, 4 Refinery Plant: HAZOP Study and SIL classification
- MOL NyRT, Slovnaft (Bratislava) Refinery, 38 Refinery Plant: HAZOP Study and SIL classification
- MOL NyRT, Slovnaft (Bratislava) Refinery: 42 Fire Furnace, HAZOP Study and SIL classification and Pre validation
- Budapest Power Stations: 10 Natural Gas Boilers: HAZOP Study and SIL classification and Pre validation
- TVK, Tiszaújváros, Ethylene plant: Furnace, HAZOP Study and SIL classification and Pre validation
- MOL, NyRT, TVK, PP4 Plant: HAZOP Study and SIL classification and Pre validation
- MOL, NyRT, Tisza Refinery, ETBE Plant: HAZOP Study and SIL classification and Pre validation
- MOL, NyRT, Danube Refinery: HCK Plant, HAZOP Study and SIL classification
- BRIDGESTON Tatabánya Kft, Three dosing unit: HAZOP Study and SIL classification and Validation
All work includes the following activity based on IEC 61511:
- Training
- For Management
- For HAZOP Participants
- For Process Engineers
- HAZOP study
- IPL Allocation
- Decision about SIFs (SIL study: narratives and logic)
- SIL calculation of SIFs
- Safety Requirement Specification (SRS)
- Pre validation
Training Courses references
D-Ex, Slovakia |
MOL Nyrt, Hungary |
MOL Nyrt, Slovakia |
Olajterv Fővállakozás ZRT |
MOL Nyrt, TVK |
MOL Nyrt, INA Refinery |
ATEX referencies |
HIMA referencies |
HAZOP-SIL referencies |